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Editorial NRInglês

★Look Up Phrasal Verbs – Dicionário Português-Inglês


Bia Mollo is a highly experienced English teacher who has been involved in ELT for more than thirty years. She graduated in Translation and Interpreting and holds the SIT (School for International Training). In her book Look up Phrasal Verbs, she uses all her experience as both an English teacher and translator to provide the reader with a list of very useful phrasal verbs. Besides helping the reader communicate more clearly and naturally, phrasal verbs can also be used in more meticulous Portuguese-to-English translations. She makes it clear that most use of phrasal verbs takes place in informal situations and should be avoided in academic writing; oftentimes, however, we catch ourselves in a position in which a phrasal verb would perfectly express the meaning that we want to convey.

It is widely known that phrasal verbs are peculiar to the English language. As a result, they quite frequently cause misunderstandings due to their being, somewhat, unfamiliar to English language learners. The relevance and applicability of such a dictionary are, therefore, undeniable.

Her book has an organized and unambiguous layout. It even has a quick guide on how her dictionary is intended to be used. As it is a dictionary, all phrasal verbs are organized in the alphabetical order of their correspondent meaning in Portuguese. All phrasal verbs have an “equivalent” in Portuguese and an example to make the context clearer. Moreover, the author makes use of several symbols so that the reader has a more coherent experience. Besides indicating the appropriate use of the phrasal verb, the symbols are also used to introduce an example and a song or poem citation.

Overall, the author presents her choice of phrasal verbs in different contexts and provides the reader/learner with great tips regarding use. English learners, translation graduates and undergraduates and reviewers can enormously benefit from Look up Phrasal Verbs. Not only does the reader have a reliable source to find out the meaning of the phrasal verbs they are looking for, but also to build up their lexical repertoire.

Look Up Phrasal Verbs: Dicionário Português – Inglês (English Edition)

Uma particularidade da língua inglesa, os Phrasal Verbs, são uma fonte permanente de dificuldades para os falantes do português. Phrasal Verbs são formados por um verbo e uma partícula, que pode ser uma preposição ou advérbio. Mudando-se a partículao verbo muda de sentido. Este dicionário se diferencia dos demais ,porque parte do português para o inglês, assim ajuda o leitor a encontrar o phrasal verb mais adequado para melhor se expressar em inglês. Além disso um asterisco indica se o phrasal verb é inseparável da partícula. Um apêndice no final do livro apresenta a relação dos phrasal verbs e seus respectivos significados em português. Autora,Maria Beatriz Ramos da Silva Mollo – Bia Mollo – é professora de inglês há mais de trinta anos e possui o certificado School for International Training (SIT) da associação Alumni,Brattleboro University, EUA.

Jhony Balisa has been engaged in ELT for about eight years. He has worked as a freelance English teacher, at languages institutes and regular
schools and he currently works at Troika. He also has experience in developing pedagogical content, coordination and design of English learning programs as well as teacher education. He holds the CPE and the CELTA certificates.
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