This month we’re going to look at collocations with finger followed by a noun. Here is the list produced by COCA ( As usual, all examples are taken from that corpus: As you can see, the most common collocation is Finger Lakes, an area in…
Por Vanessa Prata*
Sempre tive vontade de aprender a andar de skate, mas meus pais nunca foram muito fãs da ideia e, como também não insisti muito, passei a infância e adolescência sem ter um, apenas de vez em quando brincando com o de algum primo ou amigo. Ao…
Coriza / nariz escorrendo – Runny nose Peter always gets a little cranky when he has a runny nose.
O Peter sempre fica um pouco irritado quando tem coriza.
O verbo to run, que normalmente significa “correr”, também pode ser “escorrer”, no contexto de…
A search for foot/feet, immediately preceded by a noun, in the COCA turned out the chart below.
A close look at the list will reveal that seven (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 12) out of the 22 lines are related to foot as a measurement unit: a foot is equivalent…
How can we be so sure our students are listening to us?
How can we guarantee they understand what we say?
Do we know how engaged they are?
When we teach groups, although we have a good hunch of what is going on in the classroom, we do not know the answers to these…
Here we are with another part of the body: heart. The most interesting collocations are the verbal ones, so I’ll just report on the nominal and adjectival ones very briefly as most of them pose no problems. This is the table for the first ten nominal collocations, that…
Hazard O substantivo hazard significa “risco ou perigo”. A forma adjetiva hazardous significa “arriscado ou perigoso”. Veja os exemplos: “This bumpy road is a hazard to drivers. They should really do something about it!”, complained Gulliver.
“Esta estrada…
During my masters’, I had a professor who said some enlightening things every class…They were, as we say, real food for thought.
One day, he said that the teacher’s role was asymmetric to the students’ roles in class. I usually say something similar…
Por Vanessa Prata*
No artigo anterior, sugeri sete links com diversos vídeos que podem ser adaptados para uso em sala de aula, incluindo atividades com trechos de filmes, palestras, notícias e até propagandas. Nesta segunda parte, indico alguns sites que trazem…