FOCUS Speaking and Listening; Fluency and spontaneity; Keeping a conversation going LEVEL Elementary-Advanced TIME 10 – 15 minutes Materials and preparation: None, and there is no handout either. In class Tell your students that they will be conversing…
La readecuación del currículum y de la práctica pedagógica del español en las escuelas. Es cierto que los cambios traen dudas y nos hacen pensar: ¿y ahora?, ¿qué debemos hacer? Darwin ya decía que no es el más fuerte el que sobrevive, ni el más inteligente…
TÓPICO: Situações NÍVEL: Iniciante – Avançado MATERIAL: Tiras de papel com as situações abaixo. PROCEDIMENTO Coloque as tiras de papel em cima da mesa viradas para baixo.Peça ao aluno que escolha 3 situações e explique o que está acontecendo em…
The English language is always in a constant state of flux. New words are created all the time and old ones disappear. In recent years, one trend that has become very noticeable, and not always welcomed by all, is the changing of nouns into verbs. In English, it’s easy to…
BONFIRE NIGHT Originalmente, bonfire era chamado de bone fire, ou seja, “fogueira de ossos”. Os ingleses, em cerimônias antigas, no solstício de verão, costumavam fazer uma fogueira com ossos de animais, como bois e carneiros, em memória de seus familiares e…
In collaboration with Cambridge Assessment International Education, the Cambridge Teacher series offers practical guidance and innovative teaching approaches to those looking to develop their classroom practice. DESCRIPTION CLIL Essentials for Secondary School Teachers…
This major new edition of the Oxford First Dictionary in paperback includes new words and more pages to improve spelling, extend vocabulary and support comprehension in the new curriculum. As well as updated context sentences (including examples from children’s own…
Leading the way in language and pedagogy research Claire Dembry: I saw the job of ‘Corpus Manager’ advertised and I remember thinking ‘You never see that!’ – I hadn’t before and haven’t since. I’ve been here for five years now, and I’ve done a CELTA to…
Scientific skills through cognitive and communicative learning & practice. ELT and ESL classrooms have been the nursery to approaches such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), for example, which has embraced the track to bilingual education by…