Editorial NRInglês

How Many Words?

LANGUAGE FOCUS: Revision of vocabulary; spelling skillsTHINKING SKILLS: Analysing; moving letters around in one’s visual short-term memory; risk takingAGE: AnyLEVEL: Post-beginner / A1 upwardsTIME: 10-15 minutesPREPARATIONWrite words in block letters on big sheets of…
Escola destaqueEspanhol

Escola Destaque - Colégio Mary Ward

O Colégio Mary Ward, busca por meio de seu projeto educativo, formar homens e mulheres que sejam agentes eficazes de transformação, com personalidades autônomas e críticas. É assim que procuramos trabalhar a Língua Espanhola! Aqui o aluno aprende por meio das cinco…
Disal IndicaInglês

English Grammar in Use - Disal Indica

Product description Raymond Murphy’s English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people…
Editorial NRInglês

Funny-Sounding Words

DISCOMBOBULATED: very confusedCODSWALLOP: nonsenseHIGGLEDY-PIGGLEDY: mixed together in a disorganized or untidy wayFLABBERGASTED: very surprised or shockedDOLLOP: a large mass of something soft, especially food: e.g. cream/mashed potatoFINICKY: fussyDIDDLY-SQUAT…
AtividadesEditorial NRInglês

When the Music Stops

IN CLASS Get everyone up and out of their seats.Tell them you’re going to play some music. They should move around the classroom – walking or dancing (or doing something in-between). Explain that when the music stops, you will ask them to turn to the person nearest to…