Eu recomendoInglês

What was good is now even better!

I’ve used the Kid’s Box series from Cambridge for over 6 years. I have always enjoyed the light and fun way content is presented, the whimsical characters, CLIL topics and the fact that the series has taught much more than just English with a whole section of the…
Editorial NREu recomendoInglês


The authors suggest a very practical way to use this wonderful resource for teachers at the end of the table of contents. It includes watching the excellent videos which are accessible via an access code on the back of the front cover. However, since I wanted to be sure not…
Eu recomendoInglês

Wider World - American Edition

A procura de uma série didática nunca foi uma tarefa fácil. Muitas vezes, o sentimento quando analisamos um material novo é o de que já o vimos antes ou ele lembra uma série conhecida, mas repaginada. A série American Wider World trouxe uma grata novidade neste…