AtividadesEditorial NRInglês

★ Ways of talking

TO BLAB / BLABBER TAGARELAR, FALAR MUITO I did try to listen, but she just kept blabbering on. Eu até tentei prestar atenção, mas ela matraqueava a não mais poder. Quem fala demais e/ou conta segredos é um blabbermouth. TO SHOOT THE BREEZE / BULL (US) JOGAR CONVERSA…
Editorial NRInglês

★ Interview with Luiz Otávio Barros

JS: Luiz, thanks for agreeing to speak to us. First question: How did you get into coursebook writing? LOB: I became a teacher in 1990, and way back then, to my coordinators’ despair, I was already writing my own handouts (=photocopies!), flashcards and OHTs to…
Editorial NREu recomendo

★ Optimise

We started using Optimise B1 in the first semester of 2018 in our Intermediate course. Later, at the beginning of the second semester in the same year, we adopted Optimise A2 in our Pre-Intermediate courses. Students at Cultura Inglesa will complete A2 and B1 levels of the…
Editorial NRInglês

★ Affect in language teaching

“Alongside linguistic meanings are personal meanings: how na activity relates to each learner’s immediate purposes, overall objectives, loyalties, self-image, emotions and the like”Stevick 1996 Learning a foreign language entails cognitive, affective, social…