TO BLAB / BLABBER TAGARELAR, FALAR MUITO I did try to listen, but she just kept blabbering on. Eu até tentei prestar atenção, mas ela matraqueava a não mais poder. Quem fala demais e/ou conta segredos é um blabbermouth. TO SHOOT THE BREEZE / BULL (US) JOGAR CONVERSA…
There is a growing and vocal debate about the usefulness or desirability of using students’ L1 in language learning situations. Past language teaching methods, from immersion to foreign‐language teaching, have placed a strong emphasis on “target language only” in the…
by Lyle French and Karen Fraser Colby de Mattos L&K:
Tara you have been at the Centre for Advanced Research on Language
Acquisition (CARLA) for many years. While there you have researched,
visited and written aboutcontent-based language…
1 – Mobile learning in the EFL-classroom. A quick overview. Mobile devices and their applications are not cutting-edge technology anymore. They are part of our everyday lives. The number of edtech websites, printed and digital materials has drastically risen, many…
The term ‘bilingual school’ is a rather broad label used in
Brazil to refer to various models of second language teaching and learning.
Most progammes that fall under the blanket term ‘bilingual education’ promise
to educate learners in two languages with three…
JS: Luiz, thanks for agreeing to speak to us. First
question: How did you get into coursebook writing? LOB: I became a teacher in 1990, and way back then, to
my coordinators’ despair, I was already writing my own handouts
(=photocopies!), flashcards and OHTs to…
We started using Optimise
B1 in the first semester of 2018 in our Intermediate course. Later, at the
beginning of the second semester in the same year, we adopted Optimise A2 in our Pre-Intermediate
courses. Students at Cultura Inglesa will complete A2 and B1 levels of the…
“Alongside linguistic meanings are personal meanings: how na activity relates to each learner’s immediate purposes, overall objectives, loyalties, self-image, emotions and the like”Stevick 1996 Learning a foreign language entails cognitive, affective, social…
Words are powerful things. When we look at researchbased word
lists, such as the General Service List or the Oxford 3000, we come across many
useful words that can inform our teaching of vocabulary in the classroom. We
know these words are the most important for our students…