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Disal indica – Jack’s Richards 50 Tips For Teacher Development

Product description

This book offers 50 practical ideas for teachers to use for professional development.

The tips cover a wide range of activities that can be carried out individually or in collaboration with others, including self and peer observation, journal writing, on-line forums, classroom research, action research, team teaching, lesson review, materials review, lesson study, mentoring, peer coaching, reading groups, and workshops.

Each tip is described in a 2 two-page format that gives the rational for the activity and step-by-step procedures for implementing it. The Tips can be used with both novice and more experienced teachers and are intended to provide a basis for teachers to review the current state of their professional learning and to develop and implement goals for their professional development.

The author has written this book for language teachers, co-ordinators and others who are interested in pursuing or developing plans for professional development. It includes accounts of strategies that you can use as an individual teacher or with a group of teachers, focusing on different aspects of professional development. Each tip refers to an activity that can facilitate some aspect of teacher development. The purpose of each tip is described, its rationale, and procedures for carrying out the activity.  

Why this book: The language teaching profession involves teachers who are at different stages in their professional development. The field of language teaching is also very dynamic and teachers often tell him how difficult it is for them to keep up with changes. As a result, we all need regular opportunities to update our professional knowledge and skills. This is where professional development can play an important role. 

About the author

Jack C. Richards

Professor Jack C. Richards is an internationally recognized authority on English-language acquisition, teacher training, and materials design. A well-known lecturer and consultant, he has taught at universities in the United States, China, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, and Brazil. Professor Richards’ many successful publications include the Interchange series, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, and Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.

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