Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #85 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!

Disal IndicaInglês

Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms

The main purpose of Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms, written by two prominent applied linguists, is to fully understand how best to initiate and sustain learner engagement in contemporary language classes by embarking on a set of principles and teacher actions. It is documented that engagement is a multifaceted phenomenon, so its complexity and dynamicity have been well-represented and captured in this book by looking at leaner engagement from cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social perspectives.

This accessible book offers a fresh perspective on engagement, with an emphasis on how teachers can create the conditions for active engagement and the role learners can play in shaping the way they learn. Drawing on extensive theoretical knowledge, the book takes an applied approach, providing clear principles and practical strategies for teachers.

Comprehensive in scope, grounded in theory, and presented in an insightful manner, the practical suggestions given throughout the book build up an impressive picture of the many ways in which we can facilitate deeper engagement of L2 learners.

The book opens with an introduction situating the book within the broader literature on SLA  and familiarizing the reader with the central construct in focus: engagement. The authors first  offer a clear conceptual definition of student engagement and then dwell on why it is particularly important in L2 classes. The authors note that student engagement manifests itself through active participation and involvement in academic tasks.

The introduction is followed by six  coherent and finely orchestrated chapters unfolding as a journey of professional learning. The authors uphold a dynamic and holistic view of engagement, recognizing its connection with attitudes and beliefs stemming from the interplay among a diverse range of factors.

Mercer and Dörnyei hold that teachers are at the core of our educational lives and thus healthy teacher– student rapport is key to all forms of engagement.

This book is highly insightful and thought-provocative because not only does it provide robust theoretical rationales for each chapter, but also it offers down-to-earth principles and viable teacher actions that enable teachers to enact the maxims. Moreover, the book is replete with quotes and reflection tasks that can certainly entice and engage the readers.

Book Preview:


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