Rio de Janeiro, 26 – 27 March 2020
Cambridge Assessment International Education (Cambridge International) are hosting their first ever schools conference in Latin America.
The conference will be exploring the theme: ‘Achieving greatness in education communities: why everyone matters’ through keynote presentations, workshops and breakout sessions. Disal are sponsoring and exhibiting at the event and we hope to see you there.
The finest resource we have in education is the people. For an education community (a school, a group of schools, an education system) to achieve greatness we need every member of the community functioning at their best. We need great leadership, not just from the school principal, but from everyone.
We need students living the Cambridge learner attributes – confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. We need exemplary teachers creating wonderful learning environments. We need families of our students to be informed, engaged and supportive. Everyone matters if we are to achieve greatness.
How we get the best out of all these people is the theme of our active conference.
Cambridge International are holding their first-ever Latin America Schools Conference in Rio next month. This conference is for teachers and school leaders from across the region to come together to share knowledge, discuss common challenges in education and explore the theme: ‘Achieving greatness in education communities: why everyone matters’. It will also be a great celebration of the Cambridge International School community in Latin America!
The conference will take place on the 26th and 27th of March at the Windsor Marapendi hotel in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro.
Delegates will have a chance to attend their choice of active learning sessions, meet with teachers and school leaders and engage with our expert keynote speakers:
- Unleash your superheroes with experienced senior leader, inclusion expert and Paralympian Claire Harvey
- Accompany all students to greatness with Starfish International co-founder and girls’ education promoter Mam-Yassin Sarr.
- Explore the Communities of yesterday, today, tomorrow with former Regional Director of the South Asia region at Cambridge International, Ruchira Ghosh.Visit cambridgeinternational.org/rio-conference to see the programme, register for the conference and to book accommodation. We look forward to seeing you and your teachers there!
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares school students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. We are part of the University of Cambridge.
Nearly a million learners from 10,000 schools in 160 countries are currently preparing for their future with the Cambridge Pathway. We are the world’s largest provider of international education for 5 to 19 year olds.
Cambridge International está realizando sua primeira conferência de escolas da América Latina no Rio no próximo mês. Esta conferência é para que professores e líderes de escolas de toda a região se reúnam para compartilhar conhecimentos, discutir desafios comuns em educação e explorar o tema: ‘Achieving greatness in education communities: why everyone matters’ (‘Alcançando a grandeza nas comunidades educacionais: por que todos são importantes‘). Também será uma grande celebração da comunidade de escolas Cambridge International na América Latina!
A conferência acontecerá nos dias 26 e 27 de março no hotel Windsor Marapendi, na Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro, e a Disal, claro, estará lá.
Os participantes terão a chance de escolher entre diversas sessões de aprendizado ativo, encontrar-se com professores e líderes de escolas Cambridge e se envolver com nossos principais palestrantes:
- Unleash your superheroes (Liberte seus super-heróis) com a líder sênior experiente, a especialista em inclusão e atleta paralímpica Claire Harvey.
- Accompany all students to greatness (Acompanhe todos os alunos até o sucesso) com a cofundadora da Starfish International e promotora de educação para meninas Mam-Yassin Sarr.
- Explore the Communities of yesterday, today, tomorrow (Explore as comunidades de ontem, hoje e amanhã) com a ex-diretora regional da região South Asia de Cambridge International, Ruchira Ghosh.
Visite cambridgeinternational.org/rio-conference para ver o programa, fazer as inscrições e reservar acomodações.
Esperamos ver vocês e seus professores lá!
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepara os jovens estudantes para a vida ajudando-os a desenvolver uma curiosidade inteligente e um desejo contínuo de aprender. Somos parte da Universidade de Cambridge.
Quase um milhão de alunos de 10.000 escolas em 160 países estão atualmente se preparando para o futuro com a Jornada Cambridge. Somos o maior provedor mundial de educação internacional para crianças de 5 a 19 anos.