BlogCultura e Educação

Aulas Skype - Maria de Fátima

Caro(a) professor(a) de idiomas, Lecionar em cidades grandes não é fácil. As distâncias são longas e o trânsito complicado. Lembro-me de ex-alunos meus que levavam cerca de 1hr30 para chegar na minha casa. O vínculo que existia entre nós era grande e este desconforto…

Flash Fiction - Jane Godwin Coury

What is Flash Fiction? Do you enjoy reading stories, but don´t have much time?  Perhaps flash fiction is the answer for you!  Flash fiction can be any fictional work from a few words to around one thousand.    According to legend, Ernest Hemingway wrote a six-word tale…

Every End is a New Beginning - Paulo Torres

After being part of the APIES (Associação dos Professores de Inglês do Espírito Santo) Board for 7 years, time has come to say goodbye. I was the representative of APIES in the south of Espírito Santo for one year, the secretary for four years, and since 2015 I have…

Five CPD ideas for 2017 - Marcela Cintra

As the year ends, we may enjoy planning the new year and write down a to-do list for professional development. The general idea is that we keep moving and keep learning. That way we may reach higher as teachers and inspire not only our learners, but our colleagues to develop…