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The power of collaboration - Marcela Cintra

Collaboration – Often times, we wonder or talk to people who are curious about the reasons why we should collaborate with our colleagues in various roles in the realm of education. Some teachers once asked me why they should help their colleagues improve (doing peer…

Blog Disal indica:

Maria de Fátima convida todos professores de idiomas para uma aula prática de inglês básico via Skype de 30 minutos. Nela compartilho ideias que tenho usado com meus alunos e que têm funcionado. A aula será individual. Agende sua aula!! Será um prazer compartilhar…

5 questions - Vocabulary building - Richmond

Over twenty years since the publication of Michael Lewis’s The Lexical Approach[1] and having followed all the debate on it[2], where do we stand in relation to the teaching of vocabulary? A little review of the materials we use in our classrooms and our own attitude to…
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