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Editorial NRInglês

Project-Based Learning happened to ELT

In Brazil, our very own Paulo Freire decried the imperative to center learning on students’ realities and needs. Currently, many higher education institutions use some form of inquiry-based learning in science courses and even business courses. It seems like Project-Based…

5 things I have learned as a materials writer

Have you ever thought about becoming a materials writer? I had never considered this possibility until 2019. Up until then, I’d worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, and coordinator in different contexts. However, when I started a new job as an academic consultant that…
Editorial NRInglês

Project: Antiracist Manual

FOCUS: to provide learners with the opportunity to reflect upon a socially relevant topic using multiliteracies as a strategy to allow them to have a more comprehensive view on the matter.OUTCOME: collaborative antiracist manualLEVEL: Intermediate and aboveTIME: 2 or 3…
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