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Editorial NRInglês

★ Food and eating

I COULD EAT A HORSE “ESTOU FAMINTO, ESFOMEADO, MORTO DE FOME” I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. Estou com tanta fome que poderia comer um boi. Literalmente, I could eat a horse significa: “Eu poderia comer um cavalo”. Não que a carne de cavalo faça parte da…

Fluency and fun with fascinating word origins

The English language is extremely rich and varied. David Crystal estimates that there are up to 2 million words, the Oxford English Dictionary has over 600,000 and 25,000 new words are added each year. An educated native speaker uses 30-50,000 words. Research indicates that…
Editorial NRInglês

★ Funny

Can you and your students explain why these are funny? SOUNDS A BIT FISHY Where do shellfish go to borrow money? To the prawn broker. Where do fish wash? In a river basin. Why did the whale cross the road? To get to the other tide Where do little fishes go…

Outubro Rosa

Na década de 1990, nasce o movimento conhecido como Outubro Rosa, para estimular a participação da população no controle do câncer de mama. A data é celebrada anualmente, com objetivo de compartilhar informações sobre o câncer de mama, promover a conscientização…
Editorial NRInglês

★ Stupid, Idiot

AIRHEAD IDIOTA, BOBO Some airhead put sugar in the saltpot. Algum idiota colocou açúcar no saleiro.Alguém que tem apenas ar (air) na cabeça (head), sem cérebro nenhum, só pode ser um idiota JERKIDIOTA, BABACA, BOCÓ You stupid jerk! You ruined everything!Seu idiota!
Editorial NRInglês

✭ Interview with Nancy Lake

JS: Could you please tell us first a little bit about your background and why and when you came to Brazil and decided to settle here? NL: After graduating from the University of Minnesota in Spanish and French Education, I started an MS in TESOL, but interrupted it to…
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