Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!


Icebreakers para suas aulas!

Hoje trouxe ideias práticas de icebreakers para suas aulas. Adapte à sua faixa etária e realidade! No mês que vem teremos mais! Abraços!
The teacher whispers to each student the name of an animal. At a given signal they are to imitate the sound of that animal, whether it is a cow, pig, chicken, cock, donkey, horse, etc. When they sound like a riotous farmyard, they are told to stop. The students can write down the names of all the animals they heard. The one with the longest list wins a prize.
Give everyone an inflated balloon. The balloons should be in different colors or with identifiable marks on them. Everyone tosses his balloon in the air and tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. In the meanwhile, one student  must try to get everyone else’s balloons to touch the floor. When a person’s balloon touches the floor, he is out. The student who keeps his balloon in the air the longest, wins.


Ask students to write their names vertically down the back of a paper. Give them three minutes to make a list of Christmas gifts, using each letter to start the name of the gift. Try to make up as many possible beginning with each letter. The guest with the greatest number wins the prize.

Equipment: Wrapped sweets, 2 paper bags and two pairs of men’s large thick gloves. Divide the students into two teams. The first in line of each team is given a paper bag filled with wrapped sweets and a pair of men’s thick gloves. Each student in turn has to take the gloves out of the bag, put them on, choose a sweet, unwrap it, and put it in their mouth. They then have to take off the gloves, return them to the bag, and pass it to next guest in the team. Fist team to finish wins.


Ask questions and if the student answer with a “Yes” he must get up from his chair and move one place to their left. They may end up sitting on someone’s lap or two laps. Here are the questions which you can vary with your own: Do you have black shoes on? Did you walk here? Do you have three or more dogs? Are you wearing earrings? Do you have blue jeans on? Are you wearing uniform? Is it your birthday this month? Are you wearing the color red? Etc. The student to get back to his original seat is the winner!


Give everybody a few minutes to make 3 appointments – 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm. After that have everyone stand in a circle. When you shout “3 pm”, everybody meets their 3 pm appointment and find out 1, 2 or 3 things about each other. After a short while shout, “6 pm” and then “9 pm”. After that have students share what they find out about each other.


Arrange everyone in a circle. Someone says the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain that could be found in an atlas. The student next to him must then say another name that begins with the last alphabet of the word that has been given.
Example: First person: Auckland
Second person: Denver
Third person: Rotorua
Each student has a definite time limit (e.g. 3 seconds) and no name can be repeated.
Have everyone pair up and tie their left wrist together. Give each a banana to hold in their left hand. When you say “go”, they peel the banana with only their right hand and try to push it in their partner’s face/mouth. You may want to do this blindfolded to add excitement.
Equipment: Large drawing of a face, 2 buttons to each student. The teacher places a large drawing of a face on the floor and each student in turn attempts to drop a pair of bright buttons to form the eyes of the face. The most accurately place eyes wins a prize.

Equipment: Folded newspapers. Here is a blindfold game which is great fun. The teacher places a number of folded newspapers on the floor with spaces between. These represent rocks across a river and the students have to try to cross without getting their feet wet. Each student, one by one, in turn is started on their way with feet firmly on one “rock”, carefully noting the position, and if they get their feet wet more than 2 times, they are disqualified. The position of the “rocks” may be changed from time to time. The students who safely “cross the river” win prizes.

Lilian Itzicovitch Leventhal  é autora de livros de referência para professores: Inglês é 10!, Inglês é teen! e co-autora de Inglês é 11!  e co-autora de coleção didática para Fundamental 1. Trabalha como teacher trainer no Brasil todo, coordena inglês em Colégio de São Paulo e dirige a Potential Consultoria especializada em Institutos de Idiomas. Compartilhar experiências com professores e ler são seus momentos favoritos, mas nada se compara à sala de aula!!!
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