Editorial NRInglês


Presentations GROUPWORK Brainstorm reasons why people give talks, presentations or speeches.to informPAIRWORK Discuss these questions• Have you ever given a talk? If so, what was it like? How did you feel?• What are the most common problems people have when they give…
Editorial NRNews

★Negociação salarial

Antes de negociar PESQUISE: Faça uma pesquisa de mercado. Quanto ganha em média um profissional do seu calibre, trabalhando para uma empresa de porte similar e com níveis de responsabilidade similar? Baseado nisso, é justo o que eles estão oferecendo? Informação é…
Editorial NRInglês

★Challenge your students

With these riddles What can you catch but not throw?I can run but I have no legs. What am I?What kind of coat can be put on only when wet?What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?Why did the boy bury his flashlight?What did the beach say when the tide came in?It…