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British Slang – Jane Godwin Coury

If you went to the UK tomorrow and talked to someone in their twenties, would you understand the slang they are using? I recently picked my 26-year old niece´s brains about British slang and selected some expressions, phrasal verbs and words that may help you grasp what´s going on in a dialogue.


To be chuffed to bits – to be very pleased about something

E.g. I was chuffed to bits when I got promoted at work.

That really cracked me up – I started laughing uncontrollably

E.g. That new comedian on TV really cracked me up.



E.g. That party was sick last night


She´s lost the plot!/He´s cray-cray!/He´s not all there! – He/She is crazy

E.g. I have a feeling she´s lost the plot! It just doesn´t make sense what she´s saying!


Bladdered/pissed/smashed/wasted/steaming– Completely drunk

E.g. He was so wasted last night at the pub.

What do you fancy?/What´s your tipple?/What´s your poison? – What would you like to drink?

Booze – alcohol drinks

E.g. Let´s get the booze in!

Get a round in – to buy drinks for everybody in your group (common in a UK pub)

E.g. I´ll get this round in.

Sam: “I´ll meet you at the pub at 8pm.”

Julie: “Cool beans, man!” – OK, fine by me!

He is a lightweight/He can´t handle his drink – He gets drunk easily.

E.g. He´s such a lightweight. After a pint, he´s gone. Can´t handle his drink.


That really cringed me out – That made me feel uncomfortable

E.g. Oh my god, that film really cringed me out!

Rain on someone´s parade – Prevent someone from enjoying an occasion/event

E.g. Don´t rain on my parade! I´ve been wanting to go to this music festival for so long.

Dodgy – strange/low quality

E.g. That food tastes a bit dodgy. Wouldn´t eat it if I were you!

Skive off work – to avoid work by staying away or leaving early.

E.g. She´s skived off work again today. I´ll have to step in for her.

Skint – no money

E.g. God! I´m absolutely skint this week. I get paid tomorrow though.

Absolute shambles – complete mess

E.g. That company is an absolute shambles. Not working for them again.

Aggy – annoying/aggravating

E.g. She is always getting on someone´s nerves. She´s so aggy!

Faffing about/around – To aimlessly waste time doing useless things

E.g. Stop faffing around! Let´s get on with the job we have to do.

If you are interested in learning more British slang, check out this article:

About author

Jane Godwin Coury is from the UK and has been working in English Language Teaching since 1987. She holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester and a Post-graduate certificate in Educação Transformadora: Pedagogia, Fundamentos e Práticas from PUCRS. She has been living and working in Brazil for 27 years and has also taught in France, Germany, the UK and the USA. Jane has vast experience of teaching English and has been involved in Cambridge English qualifications since 1995. She is also a teacher educator, English language editor and translator. Jane currently works at Cult Estácio teaching online courses. She is the author of various publications including “Exercícios para Falar Melhor em Inglês” (Disal) and co-author of “Help! Preciso de Atividades para Minhas Aulas” (Amazon).
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