Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!

Eu recomendoInglês

What was good is now even better!

I’ve used the Kid’s Box series from Cambridge for over 6 years. I have always enjoyed the light and fun way content is presented, the whimsical characters, CLIL topics and the fact that the series has taught much more than just English with a whole section of the coursebook dedicated to values.

So, I was thrilled with the launch of Kid’s Box New Generation as it has kept the Kid’s Box essence but has also added features to attend to this generation’s needs.

Something that I’ve always enjoyed in the series are the many resources available to us teachers. I’ve used this series in a two class a week context as well as a five class a week because there are so many valuable extra resources I could choose from like photocopiable activities, projects and games.

In the Kid’s Box New Generation, besides all that, there are now even more resources for teachers and students, such as contextualized phonics lessons built in each unit with video explanations.

There are also digital activities for self practice on the Cambridge one platform and the characters still mirror social development so learners can identify with them at each stage and they have been digitally enhanced to be more appealing to primary learners.

There are also digital activities for self practice on the Cambridge one platform and the characters still mirror social development so learners can identify with them at each stage and they have been digitally enhanced to be more appealing to primary learners.

The Pupil´s Book presents and practises a new language through amusing stories, fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupil´s Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One, making the learning process a joy. The unique access code inside the front cover.

About author

Rebecca Rios holds a degree in language teaching. Has the CELT-P, TESOL and TESOL for children and all TKTs certifications as well as the CAE. One of the 8 presenters on the Learn English with Cambridge Youtube channel and host of many Cambridge University Press & Assessment events. She has been a bilingual program coordinator and is currently a teacher trainer in Campinas, as well as a teacher mentor for Strengths based education. She is also a Google Educator and Trainer.
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