Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!

AtividadesEditorial NR

★ 1, 2, 3, STARE!

  • Focus: Speaking. Having fun can help to reduce fear of speaking and encourage greater participation
  • Level: Elementary +
  • Time: 5 – 10 minutes
  • Preparation: A set of cards with tasks, varied according to the age and language level of the group; see examples below. Copy the worksheet for each student.

In class:

1) Ask the class to stand in a circle. Tell them that when you say ‘1,2,3, STARE!’, everyone should stare at someone else. When two students stare at each other, the pair steps into the middle of the circle, where they will have to perform a task. (If there are several pairs, they can take turns.)

2) The pair in the middle draw two of your task cards and between them choose one of the tasks, and perform it.

3) Repeat several times.

Ask each other what is one of your favourite words in English. Sing a song you both know in English Ask each other about what you did yesterday
One of you names 5 parts of the body, and the other points to the part named Talk about your favourite food Talk about the unit/lesson you are studying
Say 5 words beginning with A Ask each other about what you plan to do in summer Spell each other’s name in English
Each of you says something you can do well Ask each other about someone you admire Each of you tells about your favourite toy as a child
Discuss whether it is better to live in the city or in the country Talk about learning English One of you gives orders (Go to the door …) and the other does this
Create a dialogue between assistant and customer (e.g. at the travel agent) Discuss what makes a good friend Discuss the advantages of holidays by the sea or in the mountains

Note: Games in a language classroom focused on self-esteem are noncompetitive, so don’t give points; winning is overcoming the fear of speaking and enjoying participating as part of the learning process.

Seeds of Confidence

Seeds of Confidence presents current thinking on a very important aspect of the affective domain – self-esteem – and provides teachers with motivating, creative activities for use in the classroom to develop both language skills and learner confidence. As has been said, confidence leads to competence.

About author

Jack Scholes is the author of many books, including Slang – Gírias Atuais do Inglês, Modern Slang and Slang Activity Book. He is also co-author with Jane Revell of Sucesso nos Exames. His most recent publications are Inglês Rápido, Quick Brazilian Portuguese and Why do we say that? Por que dizemos isso?. All published by Disal Editora
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