Editorial NRInglês

How to write a boring talk

I have compiled a checklist of 5 items you ought to make sure you tick while planning a talk so that you can effectively bore attendants to death. Note that for full bore-potential all boxes must be ticked, however, three or four items might suffice for the easily dulled…
Editorial NRInglês

Interview - with Lucy Crichton

Troika: Tell us a little bit about your academic and professional background, especially what brought you to Brazil. Lucy Crichton: My academic background has always been connected to communication and the arts! After a diploma in art and design I moved up to London to…
Disal IndicaEditorial NRInglês

Disal Indica - Loucas Noites

Loucas Noites / Wild Nights é uma versão revista ampliada de Fifty Poems, originalmente publicado em São Paulo no ano de 1999. Trata-se de coletânea que reúne 55 poemas de Emily Dickinson, uma poeta de vanguarda, nascida em 1830 em Amherst, uma pequena cidade localizada…