
Anti-racism through Children's literature

How to foster diversity and inclusive education “Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories havebeen used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also beused to empower and to humanize. Stories can break thedignity of a people, but stories can also repair…
Editorial NRInglês

INTERVIEW- with Antonieta Megale

Troika: Hi, Antonieta. Thank you for agreeing to give us this interview. It is an honor to have you with us. Let’s start with your professional journey. What brought you to where you are now, perhaps the most prominent specialist in bilingual education in Brazil. Did you…

A chat on “communicative”

The other day I was observing a friend of mine teach a lesson on routines. The classic lesson where we teach students the lexical group of routine activities such as wake up, take a shower, go to school, etc., together with adverbs of frequency, always, usually, often…
Editorial NRInglês

Interview - with Luke Meddings

Isabela Villas Boas: Hi, Luke. It is a pleasure to have you as our interviewee. First of all, could you tell us about your professional background? How did you get into English Language Teaching? What drove you to our profession? Luke Meddings: Hi, Isabela. It’s my…
Editorial NRInglês

Project-Based Learning happened to ELT

In Brazil, our very own Paulo Freire decried the imperative to center learning on students’ realities and needs. Currently, many higher education institutions use some form of inquiry-based learning in science courses and even business courses. It seems like Project-Based…