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Adaptability vs. Authenticity – When should we draw a line? – Karin Heuert Galvão

If you ask anyone who works in the Human Resources Department, you are going to learn some of the qualities companies seek in new employees nowadays, be sure you will hear that Adaptability is Top 5.
In the past decade, changes are happening extraordinarily fast and one must keep up with them accordingly, but when should we draw a line?
According to Sullivan França, Master Coach at “Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching”, we are motivated by our values and we are held back by our beliefs. Time and time again, I have noticed how the need of flexibility in the workplace puts values into perspective. Have you ever experienced a moment where you were asked to pretend to be someone you are not? To behave in a way that was not your true self? Generally speaking, we, as species have evolved due to our capacity of adaptation, in other words, learning from the environment what to do or not to do in order to survive. In our business is no different. In one side, our students expect a professional who is willing to understand their needs, difficulties and achievements, on the other hand we ought to be alert.
I am all for understanding and supporting our pupils with the tools and the behavior they demand from us, however, up to a point. Having a clear vision of who you are will ensure that your goals are achieved more effectively.
Firstly, you should answer this question: “Who are you?” and I am not talking about the sound people make when they call you (your name). “Who are you?” – it is a question most people struggle to answer because it involves a series of aspects. We cannot properly answer this question without analysing different areas of our lives, for instance, our Relationships, our Health, our Spirituality, our Financial Stability, our Professional lives, our Integrity and our Happiness and Plenitude, to name a few.

Adapted by Karin Heuert Galvão from PCC Professional Coach Certification – Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching.

Secondly, make sure your values are identified. Make a list of your top 10 values based on what you consider it is important and that means, do not lie to yourself to be politically correct, it is your own list, your own feelings, so honor yourself.
After aligning these factors, you will be able to see when adaptability can and should emerge, however it now becomes a process of seeing things through your own eyes, and not the society’s.
But you might be wondering, “Why are we discussing who we are in English Language Teaching?” The answer is quite simple. How will we be able to travel long distances if we do not know where to go? It is true that by determining what our students’ expectations are through a thorough Needs Analysis will safeguard their learning process, nevertheless finding out “who you are” – sooner rather than later – will certainly protect yourself personally and professionally.
To sum up, adaptability is paramount in today’s market and we should always pursue having an open mind for it, however make sure you establish boundaries, a meticulous Needs Analysis starts by multitasking the right questions to yourselves. Celebrate yourself by honoring who you are. Stay strong and believe in yourself first.
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

PCC – Professional Coach Certification
The Wheel of Professional Development: Adapted by Karin Heuert Galvão from PCC Professional Coach Certification – Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching.
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