Editorial NRInglês

Shortened Words

EXPAT PESSOA MORANDO EM OUTRO PAÍS There are lots of American expats in Rio.Há muitos americanos morando no Rio. Expat é uma forma abreviada da palavra inglesa expatriate, que simplesmente designa alguém que foi morar em outro país ou viaja para o exterior por…
Editorial NRInglês

Interview with - Paulo Dantas

Jack Scholes: You are a teacher, teacher trainer, author, and conference speaker and you are also an Education Technology expert. How, when and why did you first become interested in Education Technology? Paulo Dantas: I’ve always been fascinated by the use of…
Editorial NRInglês

Compounds - Slang

SMARTY-PANTS INDIVÍDUO QUE TEM A PRETENSÃO DE ENTENDER DE TUDO; SABICHÃO, METIDO, CONVENCIDO OK, smarty-pants, you explain then. OK, sabichão, explique você então. Para designar quem sempre tenta parecer mais inteligente (smart) que os outros, usa-se também smart…
Disal IndicaEditorial NRInglês

I Wonder

I had been teaching for almost seven years when I finally decided to give teaching young learners a try. Despite feeling very insecure, one day I was like, ‘why not?’ and finally decided to give it a try. So it was February, 2020 when I first welcomed my…
Editorial NRInglês

Funny-Sounding Words

DISCOMBOBULATED: very confusedCODSWALLOP: nonsenseHIGGLEDY-PIGGLEDY: mixed together in a disorganized or untidy wayFLABBERGASTED: very surprised or shockedDOLLOP: a large mass of something soft, especially food: e.g. cream/mashed potatoFINICKY: fussyDIDDLY-SQUAT…