Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!

Editorial NRInglês

Children’s Laureate

Children’s Laureate was established in 1999 and is a position awarded in the United Kingdom once every two years to an eminent writer or illustrator of children’s books who is appointed to promote and encourage children’s interest in literature and reading. The…
Disal IndicaInglês

Snappy Sounds

Snappy Sounds is a systematic, synthetic phonics program, built by world leading educators, authors and speech pathologists, designed to make teaching phonics as simple and as speedy as possible for you and your class. Using Snappy Sounds will have pupils reading and…

Our Thoughts Have No Official Language

“I have to stop thinking in my native language”. This is one of the most commonly heard sentences by every language teacher (mainly in Brazil) and also something that needs to be adjusted so that the same language teachers don’t fall into this trap. Thought has no…
Editorial NRInglês

Slang - Opposites

PARTY ANIMAL PESSOA QUE ADORA FESTAS; FESTEIRO She’s a real party animal. Ela é o tipo de pessoa que adora festas. PARTY POOPER DESMANCHA-PRAZERES Don’t invite Ken. He’s a party pooper. Não convide Ken. É um desmancha-prazeres. A palavra poop significa cocô e é…

The trifecta of learner engagement

Introduction Every teacher knows that learner engagement is paramount to any learning experience. Without engaged students, all one can hope for is a well structured lecture to a sea of inattentive ears and utterly passive students. In this article, we will explore what I…

Learning a Second Language

Your brain – every brain – is a work in progress. It is a plastic. From the day we are born to the day we die, it continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining as a function of how we use it.Michael Merzenich The objective of this article is to…
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