Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!

Editorial NREu recomendoInglês


The authors suggest a very practical way to use this wonderful resource for teachers at the end of the table of contents. It includes watching the excellent videos which are accessible via an access code on the back of the front cover. However, since I wanted to be sure not…
Disal IndicaEditorial NR

Getting Into Elt Assessment

Assessment may not be one of the most popular topics in teacher education courses, but it certainly impacts the teaching and the learning process in a very direct way. This book aims at introducing some key concepts about assessment theory, explaining how these concepts…

Empathy – it is all about windows and mirrors

Since last week I have been taking a course about the movie The Godfather (1972), one of my all-time favorites! I often get emotional when watching it because for me, it represents my intense love for the cinema. I do not know if you have seen The Godfather before, but this…
Eu recomendoInglês

Wider World - American Edition

A procura de uma série didática nunca foi uma tarefa fácil. Muitas vezes, o sentimento quando analisamos um material novo é o de que já o vimos antes ou ele lembra uma série conhecida, mas repaginada. A série American Wider World trouxe uma grata novidade neste…
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