Veja agora mesmo a nova edição #82 da Revista New Routes na íntegra!


Classroom management for young learners

Every teacher of young learners has probably been in a situation where classroom management was not exactly ideal. It may have been a game that made learners get too noisy, or a mingling activity that got a little out of control. As a teacher, I have certainly been in a…
Editorial NRInglês

Interview with – Catarina Pontes

Troika: Let’s start at the beginning: How did you become a teacher? What academic path did you follow? Above all, when did you first feel like a teacher? Catarina Pontes: I first stepped into a classroom as a teacher back in 1997 – I was reaching the end of my English…
Disal IndicaInglês

Disal Indica – My Edutainment World 1

This book aims to provide a holistic hands-on curriculum for teachers who teach English as a second language to pre-school children aged 4-6. Pupils are exposed to the English language through play and by involving them in fun and creative hands-on activities. The…
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